Please hang the donation card on the door handle by 7 a.m. This shows us that you are not using the cleaning of your room for that day.
For this deed we will transfer € 5.00 to our account to support associations and institutions around the community of Bad Hindelang.
Participation in this program is not possible on the day of departure and a stay of less than two days.
We thank you on the behalf of
your DIE GAMS team
Thank you for your support
The DIE GAMS Hotel Bad Hindelang has been supporting associations and institutions around Bad Hindelang for many years. This donation project has been running since December 2015. By mid-September 2018 we were able to donate the proud amount of € 23,500 and an anonymous donation of a further € 2,000 to the "Association for Orphans and Neglected Children". Since then, donations have been continued diligently.